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[E] precursor_jack
[E] precursor_jack
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over 13 years ago
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over 9 years ago
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even then this place is a lot less popular.
over 9 years ago
So i found everything like it was last tie I played, but what happened to the community. Classic is like a ghost town (I was the only one there) and it seems like the servers have become way less popular. It seems like everyone forgot about this place.
over 9 years ago
Thank you all. I didn't realize that everything was still on /server classic. I will check it out now
over 9 years ago
I also had a yacht in cove city. The city had a large tower, some wool houses (I think) and a lot of boats. Mine should have a sign addressed to the owner of the city. Thank you.
over 9 years ago
So I've been gone for a long time. Almost a year. I can't get back to my home or any of the cities i used to go to. I remember my house was a small box house made of nether rack. I remember one of the cities was something like cove city. can anyone help me?
over 9 years ago